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The Evening Standard newspaper reported Saturday, Sources close to the Spanish coach Pep Guardiola categorically denies reports that he agreed to move to Juventus.
The sources told the British newspaper that these reports are incorrect and that Guardiola has no plans to leave Manchester City champions English Premier League.

The Italian journalist Luigi Joel said in an interview with Radio "CRC" that a source told him that "an agreement has been made between Juventus and Guardiola" to lead the Italian team starting next season, replacing Massimiliano Alegre.
It is worth noting that Guardiola's only experience in Italy dates back when he was a player in Rome and Brescia between 2001 and 2003.
It is worth mentioning that Guardiola managed to achieve a historic six goals with Barcelona, an achievement that no other club in the major European leagues has achieved so far. He also won Bayern Munich for the league for three consecutive seasons before winning the Premier League title with Manchester City In the past year.

Guardiola responds to "Juventus agreement"

The Evening Standard newspaper reported Saturday, Sources close to the Spanish coach Pep Guardiola categorically denies reports that he agreed to move to Juventus.
The sources told the British newspaper that these reports are incorrect and that Guardiola has no plans to leave Manchester City champions English Premier League.

The Italian journalist Luigi Joel said in an interview with Radio "CRC" that a source told him that "an agreement has been made between Juventus and Guardiola" to lead the Italian team starting next season, replacing Massimiliano Alegre.
It is worth noting that Guardiola's only experience in Italy dates back when he was a player in Rome and Brescia between 2001 and 2003.
It is worth mentioning that Guardiola managed to achieve a historic six goals with Barcelona, an achievement that no other club in the major European leagues has achieved so far. He also won Bayern Munich for the league for three consecutive seasons before winning the Premier League title with Manchester City In the past year.

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